Invariably, from 1977 years of time there are some unimaginable technical novelties that are eager to check sailors of the Mini class. When you think that you can no longer invent anything to optimize a yacht someone else is implementing a revolutionary idea, and this story is happening continuously in our eyes from 1977 years. New types and typefaces, tilted Kile, double rudders, bow and stern swords, new materials used to build the hull, revolving masts. All this showed that the Mini class is versatile and has become the testing ground for all new technologies and designers ' ideas. Of course, there are voices of criticism about overcoming the Atlantic on a small yacht but the truth is that class yachts are some of the safest in the world One example may be that the class requires possession of floatation tank tanks Larger than the weight of the yacht, which provides buoyancy after complete flooding. It must be equipped with a life-raft, thermal suit, radar equipment: EPIRB, AIS, PLB, MOB.
Most of the ideas for increasing the efficiency of the yacht Regatta descends from the Mini 6.50!
Thanks to the frequency of class races, their intensity and close relations with sailors, the designers are given a number of solutions to ensure a higher level of safety. Eg. Hatches on the stern, aft ladder, lifeliny anchorages, height of rails, size of superstructure, etc.
The basic rules are the rule of the "box" Maximum dimensions:
Length: 6.5 m.
Width: 3 m.
Draught: 2 m.
Distance from several to masthead mast: 14 m.
Yachts are divided into two groups
Prototypes – PROTO
These are the yachts that stick to the only rules of the boxes, the pudowy of the yacht and instrumentation allowed to use all materials
They are yachts holding a smaller rule of the box
Length 6.5 m.
Width 3 m.
Immersion 1.6 m.
Distance from several to masthead mast: 12 m.
Only fiberglass, carbon reinforced, can be used for Hull plating. Rig and mast can not be built of composite. To call it a serial boat the shipyard must carry 10 pieces. Same hulls. Of course, designers and shipyards are struggling to ensure the best performance of their yachts is adapted to the above requirements. There are currently 15 different types of yachts available, eg. Pogo 3 or 2 or 1, Ofcet and Calin
Despite these differences, the yachts of the series class keep the step Proto which significantly equalizes the odds of victory. I think the proto yachts can be up to 5 to 10% faster than the series.
Now, to take part in the regatta you need to demonstrate your experience and just show that is good. The class introduced restrictions in the number of riders – 80 yachts. To join them you need to undergo eliminations consisting of two phases. The first is a qualifying cruise with a length of 1000 nm and the second is the flow of min 1000 nm in several class regattas, this is a test of astronawigacji and the training of autosalvage-is the necessary minimum.